Thursday, May 29, 2008

My THF is getting pimp!

So it's been awhile, but now I got a few reasons to actualy update this now lol. We've done a lot of omega, fought Odin again, and a back breaking amount of Salvages. Also done Tiamat a lot more because we have started to camp it hardcore again and AV pwnd our ass because we did'nt prepare for it lol.

Well my TH pwned when I first hit 75 by making a V belt drop off KA lol. The belt went to Yahiko so grats.
Had a few Tiamat's with shitty drops. No Herald gaiters anywhere to be found. Hopefuly some /dance4 chanting will bring about them next time.

Odin was a little stingy on number of drops, but we did however get some nice drops. Lance finally got his Ebody, Kale got Nlegs, and Ofelia with Hlegs. Grats

Finaly onto me lol. Well have been wanting another Homam piece for awhile so I chose to lot the hands even if it wasnt the body. I know one day i'll have the body so I guess I can wait a little longer. The other thing I got was Skadi feet which I was spamming Arrapago Remnants for. So yay me.

Thats all for this blog so peace!