Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Wow just I've been lucky the last months between the Ebody and 75 War. Now Salvage has been nice to me and I've accomplished a huge goal I wanted to.

First off this should be mentioned.Was nice to get the 25 to finish them off after hitting 75 on war. Really good WS piece for legs.

Another nice thing that happened in the same run was.....This makes me 5/5 on 35s and only needing the 25 head and hands to complete the Usukane Set.

But the biggest thing to happen was today....
I busted my ass off the last week and camping the AH to get the ingots and ores. Minning, ANNM, and ISNM were all I did so that I could finally get this. It's the best body piece for the jobs I have that can use it, and I'm lvling mnk now so I can use it to it's fullest.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Niddhog Claimed by Melissaa =

And that means....

So I had to....

Now this means I need lots of merits on WAR ~.~

Friday, April 17, 2009

Holy update batman!

Yeah so this update would be huge if I added everything, but I'll try to make it a quick summary >.>

Linkshell Changes ~.~

Yes changes, sadly Millennium broke and I was forced to join a friend's gimp linkshell for a short period of time that cause some drama when I tried to help, but I don't feel like going into details. It was nice to have a break from an End game shell, but I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to apply to Dafunk, a JP/NA HNM on our server. I was accepted obviously lol. It was interesting to get used to a bilingual linkshell because you don't have a clear communication with the others at first. After awhile I began to adapt to it and I actually like it more so then MLN.

Job Changes

SAM (favorite by far)~

Left- Melee Right- Weapon skill

This is my finished SAM that I never got to say anything about since 75. I leveled the job to 75 after reading through many forums because of it's versatility in many end game events. I'm able to tank and deal pro DD dmg at the same time which is what I've been looking for. 90% of the time I've been spending on the game has been on this job since 75 and with good reason. Because of my aggressive playing style I've been able to top most parses I've ran at end game events and in merits. There are very minor improvements I can think of for the job now that I have planned that include relic at some point. I'll also probably be writing a guide to my play style on SAM soon as I get some time on this blog.

Left- Melee Right- Weapon skill

A job I don't use anymore because of one single reason... Ebody Where??? Q_Q But soon enough I'll have one as I'm gunning for one with my points in DF.

Left- Melee Right- Weapon skill

No TH4, so no THF at events, so I don't give a shit about it gear wise at the moment. It's had some minor additions since the last update but nothing major. Not pictured is my Pixie earring. Apparently I completely forgot to equip it when I put all my gear on for weapon skill.


I didn't bother doing all the gear sets cause I'm too lazy at the moment to pull it all out of the mog house. Dalmatic and Nashira seraweels the 2 big changes, along with a few more minor additions. Waiting on AF2 hat to go 100% with RDM.

Salvage Gears-
Usukane Sune-ate 3/3 Completed
Usukane Haramaki 3/3 Need Mats
Skadi Visor 3/3 Need Mats
Ares's Flanchard 2/3 Need 25

Current Goals-
Usukane Set
Adaman Hauberk
War 75
Blm 75 (LOL I HAZ AF2 HATZ @43)
Mnk 75 (Once Usukane set finished)

Awsome Screenshot ~.~

Old screenshot from MLN but pure fucking win... Damn those moogle engineers.